The last dog training club you will ever need.

What is Club Orange?

Many years ago, we added some video content to our dog training classes, we saw instant results. The results we were getting with our previous owners after a few classes and some private sessions we were now getting in a single 5 week course.

The ability to watch at home and be able to train whenever they wanted, and digest the information as many times as they wanted, meant that the dog and the owners where getting far greater results. We knew we could do more.

We started offering people the option to continue to have access to the video content and some live training video sessions, Club Orange was born.

Since then Club Orange has become a thriving membership of like minded dog owners all with the same goal, to have fun, to solve problems and to be the best owner we can be.

I am not going to pretend that online training is going to completely replace the need for in person private sessions, or training classes. But for you to succeed it HAS to be part of that journey.

Club Orange has completely transformed since the first few months and is now a rich library of absolute gold dust.

Just a few examples of the training videos our Club members get access to:

Ask The Expert Series

A series of podcast style videos interviews/discussions with some of the country's leading experts.

‘Baby Talk’ with Clinical Animal Behaviourist Zoe Web from The Puppy Series
Kids around dogs chat with Debby Lucked founder of KAD (Kids Around Dogs)
‘Separation’ with Clinical Animal Behaviourist Lauren Hewit-Watts from dog mum mindset
Loose Lead training presented by me Adam Delderfield to Lean Mcwade founder of the Dog Training College
‘Vaccinations' with Veterinary lecturer Louise Cohan
‘Physiotherapy’ with Nisha Tosar

Webinars & Speaking Events

Recall webinar for pet professionals
Reactive dogs speaking event
Off lead looney to off lead legend

Permission Based Handling

2 part webinar to the BVNA (British veterinary nurses association) on permission based handling

What are my options? 

Club Orange is thriving community of over 100 members!

Club Orange Basic membership

What do you get?
  • Ability to ask us questions whenever YOU want
  • Puppy Foundations video vault and Facebook group
  • Puppy Progression video vault and Facebook group
  • Private VIP Club Orange Facebook group
  • Access to ALL videos on the website
  • Orange Juice - The members only podcasts
  • VIP guest speakers/webinars

Additional Extras - ONLY for members
  • A Huge 20% off 121 sessions & In Person Events
  • Group Walks
  • Access to the Delders Dogs Shop on Sundays
  • Additional classes (tricks, scent work, recall, loose lead, obedience etc)

Club Orange+

Everything from Club Orange……plus  
  • 3x Emergency Phone Calls per year (Value £299)
  • Mastermind Days 3 per year (Value £899)
  • Bi Monthly case study (Value £150)
  • *Birthday walk for your dog during their birthday month  (Value £50)
  • MOT Wellbeing check from Animal Physio Nisha Tosar  (Value £55)
  • CO+ Hoodie
  • CO+ Bandana
  • Priority access to everything
Sign Up Bonus 
  • *3x Done For You training sessions (Value £228)
Wait.....theres more......

Huge savings
  • 40% off 121 packages
  • 40% off Speaking Events
  • 40% off Group walks
  • 40% off Training Classes (tricks, scent work, recall, loose lead etc)
That’s over £1,500

*Birthday walk and done for you training sessions may be charged for travel depending on location.

Club Orange
Check out our VIP area for you and your dog.
Take a look
