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Kids & Dogs Bundle

When my twin daughters were 6 months old.......I got a puppy. Yeah I know, stupid idea. But it does mean that I am over qualified to talk about this. Having kids is tough, having puppies is tough,... [ Read more ]

£99.00 (RRP £279.99)

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When my twin daughters were 6 months old.......I got a puppy. Yeah I know, stupid idea. But it does mean that I am over qualified to talk about this. Having kids is tough, having puppies is tough, but having both is a minefiled that I wish I had more help with. In this bundle you get all 3 of my best resources to help you navigate having a dog and kids at the same time. 

Baby Talk - Clinical Animal Behavioursit and good friend of mine Zoe Web came on to talk with me about her new baby and how she approached motherhood and introducing a new baby to her exsiting dog. I also gave my advice on how I coped with 2 dogs, 2 cats and twin daughters. 

Kids Around Pupies - Debby Lucken, founder of Kids Around Dogs asked me to come on and talk to her group about how to avoid the dangers of having a puppy around children. Danger signs, what to look for, how involved shout the kids get and why one of my dogs is more tollerant that then other.

Kids Around Dogs - An Interview with Debby Lucken from KAD, a chance for me to pick her brain and get her advice on the best way to deal with Kids and dogs and how to ensure both grow up happy and content. 


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