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Why is dog training important?

20/10/2022 - News & Tips

Here’s an insight into why I do what I do and how dog training will benefit you and your pet.

10 things that make dog training important

1.       A well trained dog is a confident dog
2.       Training your dog makes him or her easier to live with
3.       Dog training is a great way to get to know your pet and to understand his or her needs
4.       It’s all about your dog’s mental health and welfare
5.       Feel sure that you can keep him or her safe in any situation
6.       Easier handling in stressful situations such as the vets
7.       Helps to integrate your new puppy or adult dog into the family
8.       Develop your pet’s talents alongside your own
9.       Be complimented on you well behaved dog
10.   Have more fun with your pet

Any dog will respond to training
I love training puppies, not just because they are super cute, but because I know that puppy training reduces the chances of behavioural problems in the future. Having said that, I also really enjoy training adult dogs and watching them transform from confused reprobates into loving pets.
Dog training can start at any age. And it can resume at any age. For example, a pet who received basic obedience training as a puppy, can easily develop bad habits in later life. Or perhaps you have taken on a rescue dog and don’t really know what he or she has learnt in the past. Don’t let age be a barrier any dog will enjoy training.

What does dog training do?
Dog training is so much more that teaching “sit” and “stay”. It’s a general education. It’s especially about the communication between owner and pet. And about the way your pet interacts with the wider world.
When you invest time in dog training, you help your pooch to understand the world of humans and not to be afraid in it. You teach good manners and you are shaping a pet that you could be happy to take anywhere. Taking your dog out and about with you not only builds the bond between you, it provides the mental stimulation your dog needs to stay healthy.
Think for a moment about your education. Even though you didn’t realise it at the time, it was more than learning your ABC’s. At school, a child learns to settle in one place for a while, sit quietly, listen, focus, mix politely with other children and with adults, explore new subjects, try new things with confidence, follow behavioural guidelines (manners!) and respond to instructions.  Isn’t that what you want for your pet? Well that’s what dog training does.

Good dog training is never boring
Education doesn’t happen by itself, it requires a mix of lessons (training sessions), informal interactions (play sessions), new experiences (socialisation) encouragement and understanding.
Dog training is about all of those things and, with the help and motivation it is never a chore.

Dog training classes
Well run dog training classes are a hive of learning for dogs and their owners. A good dog trainer will explain how dogs learn so that you can understand how and why modern dog training techniques work so well.
But besides learning about general obedience and/or specialising in things like scent work or recall skills, dog training classes offer meet and greet opportunities. For the dogs as well as the owners. I can’t speak for every dog trainer, but my classes include a chance to learn and practise behavioural cues in a fun way and enjoy some social interaction.
Every dog-owner partnership learns differently so we try out all sorts of fun activities that you can replicate in your home training sessions. What we don’t do is spend 30 minutes repeating the same drill until the dog is bored silly.

Find out about dog training sessions with Adam Delderfield

Play sessions
By play, I don’t mean your pup gets to go racing around the park jumping on old ladies and terrifying every other dog there. Play means interacting NICELY with children, old people, puppies, dogs etc. It also involves understanding who makes a good play partner and who you don’t need to be talking to. (farm animals, wildlife etc)
So a play session for your dog, could mean spending quality time with you. Time that is not about formal training, or walkies or sleeping. It might be messing about with toys or finding hidden treats in the garden. It could be a rucksack walk where the two of you take a short hike and then share the contents of your backpack (one interesting object to look at, one unusual scent, a few new tastes and a nice relaxing chew toy)
A different type of play session could involve meeting up with another dog owner for a sociable walk or a game in the garden. If the dogs are happy to interact that’s great. If not, don’t force it. If you’ve ever done something similar with toddlers, you’ll know that it’s important that you are ready to intervene if things get too boisterous.
Your play sessions need to compliment your dog’s character so that they are not in the least bit stressful for Fido or for you.

Socialisation is just a dog trainer term for getting used to different objects, sounds, smells and experiences. Yes, I can get involved and help you to socialise your dog, but in all honesty, you’ll have more fun doing it yourself.
With puppies, you can start socialising even before their vaccinations are complete. Take pup out for short car rides. Carry them through the high street or around the park. Visit friends’ houses (provided their dogs are healthy!), find all sorts of novel objects for pup to examine. In other words start showing your puppy the big wide world.
If you are socialising an adult dog and are not sure what he or she can/will tolerate in terms of other dogs, people, bicycles, etc start slowly and learn as you go. But the one thing you must never do is give up on socialisation. It’s a lifelong education and if you’re struggling, then ask for help.

More about puppy socialisation

Why is dog training important?
Without dog training, the relationship between you and your pet will probably never reach its full potential. Remember that a dog’s life is considerably shorter than ours. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than looking back over your time with a magnificent animal and wishing you had done just that little bit more together.
Dog training – if don’t do it, you’ll always wonder what you missed out on.

Contact Adam Delderfield to learn more about dog training and why it’s important
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