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What Does Dog Training Cost?

17/02/2020 - News & Tips

In this article we’re asking the question “What does dog training cost?” and “is it really good value for money?”
The cost of dog training is an important question and one you really should be asking before you commit to taking on a new furry family member. But instead of asking what does dog training cost? Maybe the question should be, what is the cost of not training my dog?
Why is dog training important?
I’ve blogged about this recently so I won’t bore you with the intricate details. Instead I’ll simply re-iterate the fact that dogs are not born knowing how to behave in a world dominated by humans. Most of what is “normal” behaviour in doggy society is simply not acceptable to humans. Likewise, living with humans means that dogs don’t always learn how to communicate with their peers either.
As a society, we teach human children good manners from a very young age. We send them to school so that they can learn about the big wide world and how to be confident in it. Our dogs need educating too. Which is what dog training is all about.
Read my article about the importance of dog training
What would happen if I didn’t bother with dog training?
Oh dear. Do you really want to picture life with an untrained dog? Maybe you already know. Have you adopted a dog with minimal training? Perhaps you’ve met a pet who has been trained but forgotten some of the lessons?
Living with an untrained dog is no fun. Potentially your home will be wrecked (think toilet training, chewing, muddy marks on the furniture). Visitors will be welcomed by a hairy furball launching themselves at them. No matter whether the “attack” is hostile or super-friendly it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
Now imagine going out and about with an untrained dog. Pulling on the lead, pinging about in the car, lurching at strangers, behaving badly with other dogs. Wandering around the coffee shop snarfling other people’s snacks. Not fun.
When your dog is an embarrassment out and about, it’s tempting to leave home alone more often. Dogs need physical exercise and mental stimulation. Without them, their behaviour deteriorates and you enter a downward cycle with an ever decreasing quality of life for your dog, for you and for your family.
Dog training as an Investment
Let’s look at what happens when you invest just a few minutes a day to train your dog.

  • The cost of dog training is a good investment
  • Your biggest cost will be your time – starting from only a few minutes a day
  • There is lots of information online for free – be sure to filter it though, not everything you’ll see on the internet is appropriate for your dog.
  • Maximise your return on investment by joining dog training classes
  • You will build a better relationship with your dog
  • Your dog will be less prone to anxiety and/or inappropriate behaviour
  • Take your dog anywhere and be complimented on his or her manners
  • Feel more confident about visits to the vet or the groomers
  • Be comfortable inviting friends to your home
  • Have happy neighbours who are rarely disturbed by barking and/or howling

The benefits of dog training are quite simply, priceless. Whether you are investing in the services of a qualified dog trainer or not, spending that little bit of time to improve your pet’s manners and confidence will pay dividends.
Prices for Dog Training Services
Training for puppies is so important and often the advice i give to adult dog owners is the same foundations i give in puppy class, but with adults it takes twice as long to undo everything.
Find out more here
1-2-1 Puppy training sessions
Can’t make it to classes? Need some very specific training advice? Adam’s 1-2-1 training sessions are tailored to you and your pup.
Price depends on the length of the training session and on travelling time,
Find out about the scope of 1-2-1 puppy training and ask for a quote.
Training for Adult Dogs
Dogs can start or re-start training at any age. If your senior has developed bad habits or if your dog’s behaviour has changed following an event or an incident, it can help to go back to basics and spend some time on training.
Find out more here
Recall training classes
Every dog needs time off lead to explore, to run free and to enjoy life. BUT – and this is a big but – if you don’t trust your pooch to come back when he or she is called, offlead walking becomes a big fat challenge.
Adam Delderfield specialises in recall training. He especially enjoys working with dogs who have “selective hearing” ie they choose to ignore you if they don’t want to go back on the lead.
Adam’s training is so effective that a recall training course consisting of just 3, 1 hour sessions is plenty (provided of course that owners do their homework inbetween sessions). An investment of just £65.00 (correct at the time of writing) will make your dog walks a lot more pleasurable.
Click here to find out more about recall training for dogs
More helpful dog training links
Why dog training is so important
How to stop your dog pulling on the lead
What if your dog hates other dogs?


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